

About Physicentrix

We Help Professionals Aged 35 to 65 Years in Montreal Quebec Keep Active and Mobile, Without Painkillers, Scary Injections or Frequent Visits to the Doctor with Physiotherapy & Osteopathy!

Misha is the Founder of Physicentrix. Over the years 1000’s of people have consulted his clinic looking for answers to concerning questions about their pain and injuries. During that time, he has worked with Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, and Medical Doctors.


He has also consulted with professionals that work with, and among, the top 5% of clinics within Canada, USA, England, Australia, and New Zealand. From those intimate connections he and the team have developed unique programs, systems, and frameworks that form the foundation of Physicentrix. This equates to exceptional healthcare training and development that delivers quality service and results.



Want Help to Decide if Physiotherapy or Osteopathy is Right For You?

We understand that you may want to know more about the Cost and Availability of our unique, highly structured, and researched-based programs that get you back to feeling young, strong, and powerful. Just click the button below to get started!

We realize you may be skeptical or unsure if Physicentrix is right for you? Perhaps you had a bad experience in the past? Or you simply prefer to talk with an expert before making a decision? Just click the link below to apply for a Free, no-obligation Discovery Visit.

*Note: There is no treatment during your Discovery Visit. It’s for you to ask more questions and clarify your concerns. We can then confirm if one of our unique, individualized, highly structured, and researched-based programs can help you get back to feeling young, strong, and powerful again!

Who We Help

Are you a professional aged 35 to 65 years with back, neck & shoulder, or foot pain that’s holding you back from your busy lifestyle and making you feel old, weak, and powerless?

Is the problem keeping you from being your most productive self and taking you away from spending time doing activities you enjoy with the people you love?

You probably thought the situation would improve on their own and that rest and medication would do the trick. But when the pain doesn’t improve (or gets worse), you’re now more stressed, annoyed, frustrated, and fearful?

Are you finally tired of living with the pain and want to take action?

But you’re not sure what to do or who to trust??

Well, take a deep breath…There’s HOPE!

We understand busy professionals like you don’t have time to worry about how to diagnose your own problems, come up with action plans, and figure out solutions that lead to long term success.

How are you supposed to do that?! It’s totally OVERWHELMING!

That’s why the team at Physicentrix has developed 3 unique, effective, highly structured, and researched-based programs for busy professionals with back, neck & shoulder, or foot pain just like you!

Why Should You Consider These Programs:

1) Easy-to-follow system so you can simply focus on implementing the plan, which means you don’t have to figure it out on your own or worry about what to do.

2) Weekly re-exams and follow-ups so you know exactly how everything is progressing, which means we can make quick corrections and improvements for added efficiency, that optimizes your time and money, and maximizes overall value.

3) Combination of effective research-based testing, techniques, and exercises that are specific to each level so you only need to focus on a few things at a time, which means it’s easy to do, requires minimal effort, and gets results fast.

4) Your Px Success Plan, exclusively from Physicentrix, which includes a detailed all-in-one package of information, recommendations, products and services, which means you’re setup for success with clear action steps that results in much less skepticism, confusion, or doubt.

5) Proven framework to fix your problem so you feel confident you made a good decision, which means you won’t be frustrated, disappointed, or fearful of needing injections or surgery because you trusted people that let you down, and made you waste your insurance without getting the results you wanted.

If you’d like to speak to a professional before making an appointment, press the button below and complete our short  form and a member of our team will reach out!

What Makes Physicentrix Different

We understand that you may want to know more about the Cost and Availability of our unique, highly structured, and researched-based programs that get you back to feeling young, strong, and powerful. Just click the button below to get started!

What We Treat

We have developed 3 unique, effective, highly structured, researched-based programs for busy professionals aged 35 to 65 years with back, neck & shoulder, or foot pain that want to keep active and mobile, without painkillers, scary injections, or frequent visits to the doctor so they can feel young, strong, and powerful.

We’ve learned over the years that people in pain have common frustrations and fears. Especially when typical treatments such as rest, ice, or painkillers fail to provide lasting relief. That’s why Physicentrix has developed innovative solutions tailored specifically for professionals in Montreal who feel old, weak, and powerless.

These 3 programs are perfect for moderately active, busy, and on-the-go professionals who want effective and valuable solutions, which are easy to implement and get results fast:

The Zeus Back Program for folks that feel pain and stiffness, generally lack mobility, and feel unproductive, stressed, and annoyed at work, during business trips, or on the weekends when they want to play golf or stay active and mobile with friends and family.

The Atlas Neck & Shoulder Program for people who struggle giving presentations at the office and working long hours at the computer. May also have difficulty putting on their shirt or bra, reaching over their head, or looking behind while driving. They can’t keep active and mobile due to neck or shoulder pain (may have tingling or numbness too) that makes them feel totally frustrated and irritated.

The Artemis Foot Program for those that are struggling or worried about walking long distances, running, tennis, going up or down stairs, enjoying visiting stuff on vacations, or getting things done around the office or at home and are just absolutely sick and tired of it all.


1. First, you’re invited to a FREE 30-minute Discovery Visit, where we get an understanding of your problems, frustrations, fears, and goals so we can mutually establish program suitability to ensure it’s a good fit.

2. Second, we help you through a comprehensive Evaluation and prepare your detailed Px Success Plan that highlights all aspects of the program. Our skilled professionals will explain the 4 key stages of recovery, expected timelines, and cost. This provides all clients with a clear roadmap on how we can meet your goals efficiently and effectively so you’re set up for success.

3. Third, implement the plan to keep active and mobile without painkillers, scary injections, or frequent visits to the doctor…So you can feel young, strong, and powerful again.

Throughout the program you receive ongoing support and guidance that ensures your needs are met in a timely manner. By adhering to this systematic approach, the root causes of your problems are addressed while empowering you with the knowledge, tools, and expertise necessary to sustain long-term results.

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