
Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow

Pain that presents on the outside of the elbow or extending down the forearm is referred to as Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylosis). When it occurs inside, or medially, it is Golfer’s Elbow (medial epicondylosis).

In acute cases, the typical cause relates to damaged muscle tissue relating to overuse, abnormal tendon loading and/or poor biomechanics.

Chronic cases are due to degenerative muscle changes. Previous they were thought to involve inflammation, but this has now been ruled out and, therefore, is no longer technically referred to as tendinitis.

Elbow pain may often be related to a neck (cervical spine) injury. Therefore, a proper assessment by a physiotherapist is recommended. Physicentrix can also help you determine if any dietary, lifestyle, training issue or otherwise may be additional factors to consider in managing your rehabilitation.

General signs and symptoms:

  • Pain when Gripping Objects
  • Resisted Wrist/Finger Extension
  • Pain when Muscles are Stretched
  • Tenderness on Elbow Bone (Epicondyle)
  • Neck Tenderness and Stiffness

How can Physicentrix help with elbow pain?


Consultation, treatment and advice by: Physiotherapist, Sports Massage Therapist and Naturopath

  • Shockwave Therapy
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Elbow Joint Mobilization
  • Soft Tissue Massage
  • Taping
  • Dietary and Lifestyle Advice
  • Referral to local Pharmacist or Physician for Medication


  • Elbow Brace (stabilize elbow joint and support muscles)

Products available for purchase by contacting our clinic!
